Positively influence the customer journey we need to talk about the decision-making process, i.e. the 5 steps that lead the customer to purchase: Perception of need . The purchasing process begins when the buyer becomes aware of a need. The marketer must ask himself: what are the factors that determine the perception of a need in the customer? Search for information . If the product or service is not immediately available in a physical store, the buyer is likely to seek information online. He can query a search engine to find companies operating in the sector or consult the website of.
Some company he already knows Evaluation of alternatives . it to mobile number list guide his choice. It does a sort of sorting. On the web there are sites that allow you to compare prices and compare services and quality Purchasing Decision . It is the central point of the whole process, i.e. the moment in which the customer chooses to buy from one company rather than another Post-Purchase Behavior . It varies depending on whether or not the customer is satisfied with the purchase. The wider the gap between expectations and performance, the greater the customer dissatisfaction.
Customers can now express their dissatisfaction in many ways, online and offline. Feedback is the main sounding board for customer opinions, whether positive or negative Social-selling-customer-journey-chart1 Back to index Zero moment of truth (ZMOT): for a new paradigm of the purchasing process 60% of a purchasing decision today is made before the customer has a direct relationship with the company , whether it is represented by a real-life seller or a chatbot. Google calls this first phase of contact zero moment of truth (ZMOT) . It is in this phase , in which even before approaching the company, customers surf the web in search of products and services of interest to them, that social media play a fundamental role. Nine out of ten customers.