Vestel 17pw20 1 Smps Schematic Diagram Al ((HOT))
Vestel 17pw20 1 Smps Schematic Diagram Al >>>
How to Repair a Vestel 17pw20 1 Smps Using a Schematic Diagram
Vestel 17pw20 1 is a switch mode power supply (SMPS) board that is used in many LCD TVs. It converts the AC input voltage to various DC output voltages for the TV components. However, like any electronic device, it can fail due to various reasons such as power surges, short circuits, component aging, etc.
If you have a Vestel 17pw20 1 SMPS that is not working properly, you may be able to repair it yourself by following a schematic diagram. A schematic diagram is a graphical representation of the circuit components and their connections. It can help you identify the faulty parts and replace them with new ones.
In this article, we will show you how to find and use a schematic diagram for the Vestel 17pw20 1 SMPS. We will also give you some tips and precautions to follow when repairing an SMPS board.
Step 1: Find the Schematic Diagram for the Vestel 17pw20 1 SMPS
The first step is to find the schematic diagram for the Vestel 17pw20 1 SMPS. You can search online for the model number of the board and the word \"schematic\". You may find some websites that offer free or paid downloads of the diagram. Alternatively, you can contact Vestel customer service and request a copy of the diagram.
Once you have the schematic diagram, you need to print it out or view it on a computer screen. Make sure that the diagram is clear and legible. You may need to zoom in or out to see the details. You should also familiarize yourself with the symbols and abbreviations used in the diagram.
Step 2: Identify the Faulty Components on the Vestel 17pw20 1 SMPS
The next step is to identify the faulty components on the Vestel 17pw20 1 SMPS. You will need some basic tools and equipment for this step, such as a multimeter, a soldering iron, a desoldering pump, a screwdriver, etc.
Before you start testing the components, you need to disconnect the SMPS board from the TV and from the power source. You also need to discharge any capacitors on the board by shorting their terminals with a screwdriver or a wire. Capacitors can store electric charge even after the power is off and can cause electric shocks or damage to other components.
Then, you need to follow the schematic diagram and test each component on the board with your multimeter. You can use the continuity mode or the resistance mode to check for open or short circuits. You can also use the voltage mode or the current mode to measure the voltage or current across each component. You should compare your readings with the values given in the diagram or in a datasheet.
If you find any component that is out of specification or shows no reading at all, you have found a faulty component. You should mark it with a pen or a sticker for easy identification. You should also check for any visible signs of damage such as burns, cracks, bulges, leaks, etc.
Step 3: Replace the Faulty Components on the Vestel 17pw20 1 SMPS
The final step is to replace the faulty components on the Vestel 17pw20 1 SMPS. You will need some new components that match the specifications of the original ones. You can order them online or from an electronic store. You should also have some solder, flux, and solder wick for this step.
Before you start replacing the components, you need to desolder them from the board using your soldering iron and desoldering pump. You should be careful not to damage any nearby components or traces on the board. You should also clean any excess solder or flux from the board with a cotton swab and alcohol.
Then, you need to solder the new components on the board following the schematic diagram and using your soldering iron and solder wick. You should make sure that each component is oriented correctly and has a good connection with no cold joints or bridges. You should also trim any excess leads from the components with a wire cutter.
Step 4: Test and Reinstall the Vest aa16f39245