Witcher 3 Ballista Diagrams
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Ballista diagramsContains useful information.InformationTierCommonTypeOtherSourceBandit camp southeast of Mont Crane CastleWeight0.01 Value Base 1 Ballista diagrams is a document in the Blood and Wine expansion. It's found at the bandit camp southeast of Mont Crane Castle.
This is the second of the 5 gears sets the armorer wants you to track down. Head to your marker at Fort Ussar in the northeast pocket of the map. There are some slyzards guarding the place, so take them out first. Head inside the ruins and use your Witcher senses to find a chest containing half the diagrams and a letter. Read that to get a new marker just north at Mont Crane.
The final pieces of armor are guarded by flammable gas, a group of frightening Wraiths, and an Ekimmara. Follow the gas-filled path inside the cave at Dragonslayer's Grotto until reaching the chest next to a set of candles containing the diagrams for the armor, trousers, gauntlets, and boots.
The final set of Witcher gear can only be found and crafted through the Blood & Wine DLC. Travel to the Fort Ussar Ruins in The Duchy of Toussaint and the chest with the three diagrams can be found underneath a ruined staircase at the fort.
This final route directs the player to a room containing the final three diagrams. Sitting above the Fort Ussar Ruines is the Hanse Base and this is where the player can locate the pair of grandmaster Griffin trousers. Upon entering the base, turn left passing the ballista towards the cracked wall. Use the Eye of Nehaleni to interact with the illusion and enter the hidden area.
Basically, if you place your outfits and diagrams into storage, you can change the difficulty level without losing the Dark Outfits or plans used to make them (you can acquire the ingredients to make them after "failing" the side quest). Remember that once you change difficulties, the plans for the Dark gear vanishes from the shops (unless you bought the plans and put them in storage before exiting Dark mode).
During the Prologue - Barricade mission where you have to destroy a gate by using a ballista, drop down the wall to a series of scaffold and down to the ground. You will have to fight several soldiers from the rebellion group and make way to the guarded ballista. After finishing off your enemies and cleared the square, head back further back from the ballista and look to your right beside a house and you will see a dead man dressed in a white robe with a red belt (Altair Ibnu La Ahad reference) laying face down on top of a broken hay wagon. Looking a up and there's a wooden ledge with some bird sitting around where assassin usually survey the surrounding (synchronize) and perform the leap of faith. Geralt will give a funny monologue that he commonly used in a fight that sounds I guess they never learn", assuming that a leap from such height is impossible. You will also get a hidden ability that named "Assassin" that give a damage bonus on the attack that lands on enemy's back, a reference to Assassin's Creed infamous back stab assassination.
The Enhanced (upgraded) Ursine Witcher gear set (heavy armor) can be found in Skellige (Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams). It consists of 6 pieces -- 4 armor pieces and 2 swords. The crossbow cannot be upgraded. You can buy the maps for this scavenger hunt from the armorers in Kaer Trolde and Oxenfurt. You must craft the upgrades at an armorer or blacksmith after collecting the upgrade diagrams. You must also have the Normal Ursine gear set to upgrade to the Enhanced version. There are four tiers to each armor set: Normal, Enhanced, Superior, and Mastercrafted. The recommended character level is 22.
The Superior (2x upgraded) Ursine Witcher gear set (heavy armor) can be found in Velen (Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3). It consists of 6 pieces -- 4 armor pieces and 2 swords. The crossbow cannot be upgraded. You can buy the maps for this scavenger hunt from the armorer in Kaer Trolde. You must craft the upgrades at an armorer or blacksmith after collecting the upgrade diagrams. You must also have the Normal and Enhanced Ursine gear set to upgrade to the Superior version. There are four tiers to each armor set: Normal, Enhanced, Superior, and Mastercrafted. The recommended character level is 27.
Runestones can be crafted using diagrams and a craftsman of the appropriate level. Runestones can also be disassembled for Infused Dust. The following runestone diagrams can be found in the indicated locations:
The Dromon is the most famous Byzantine ship. This fast galley was indeed the standard of the fleet of the Eastern Roman Empire from 800 to 1300 AD. The name evoked speed, but the Dromon was also a general type, including other units. The one that remained under this name was large enough to be much sharper than the heavy Roman quinqueremes, and much faster thanks to the systematic adoption of multiple rowing lines (from 2 to 3 rowers by oar). In general, the Dromon, a bireme, was propelled by 80 oars (for the biggest ones like the one represented above, of 50 by 7 meters), and could total 240 rowers, not counting the 80 soldiers, archers, officers, and crew for ballistae and catapults.
The bulk of his forces consisted of Liburnae, a fast and modest tonnage ship, whose specificity was to have double swims, like Illyrian pirate ships of the same name. They had evolved, moving to two rows of superimposed swimming, and had grown elongated and weighted significantly, while remaining very fast. Until the adoption of the redoubtable Greek fire, ballistae formed the bulk of embarked armament.
In practical terms, almost anything can destroy a thatch structure, while wooden structures are sturdy enough to keep out most mid-sized creatures. Stone structures can withstand attack from everything but alpha predators (the glowing, super-tough raptor and T. rex variants), as well as bosses, the Giganotosaurus, ballista turrets, explosives and metal weapons. Finally, metal structures are impervious to everything but explosives. Things are slightly different on PvE servers, of course, where only wildlife can damage your base.
By finding, buying, or crafting a Glyph of Infusion, you can make a Lesser Glyph. Lesser Glyphs can also be combined into a Greater Glyph. These will unlock the following traits for your witcher signs. 1e1e36bf2d